Saturday, April 16, 2011

Treachery afoot

It shouldn't come as a surprise to long-time NC political watchers, but it appears that the Republican leadership in the NC Senate has been undermined from within. Senator Bob Rucho (RINO-Mechlemburg) has hired a Democratic activist, named Matty Lazo-Chadderton, to help redraw the state Senate districts as part of the election map reset that happens every ten years.

The last time the district maps were redrawn, a shameless group of politicians in bed with the gambling industry redrew the map to oust long-time opponents of the state lottery. As a result, great conservative legislators (like Russell Capps and Sam Ellis) had their districts diluted with enough Democrats that they were defeated. The only bright spot to that ugly affair was that their ring leader, a RINO named David Miner, was hoist on his own petard in the process. Miner sliced Democratic neighborhoods out of his district and threw them at Capps and Ellis (among others) to make his a super strong Republican district. Then, much to his surprise, the Republicans decided to elect a REAL republican for their district (named Nelson Dollar) and send the little RINO back to the private sector, but not before he was able to get the "stupid tax" (aka state lottery) passed into law.

But enough history for one posting. Lazo-Chadderton (L-C) is a present day threat who previously worked for Democratic party boss Marc Basnight as Director of Hispanic/Latino Affairs. She also serves as a Democratic Party precinct chair, according to ALIPAC, a group that supports enforcement of immigration laws. They also report that L-C has serious ties with two Hispanic activists organizations dedicated to open borders: El Pueblo and La Raza.

How L-C's hiring by a top RINO lawmaker affects voter ID is a very serious question. First, there is an effort underway (defeated thus far) to allow ID cards issued by the Mexican Consulate to be a legal form of ID in North Carolina. . . even at the voting booth!! Let me set aside (for now) the story of one NC Sheriff who testified at a committee hearing that he arrested one man with five different Consulate identities (suggesting massive welfare fraud). This also raises the question of non-citizens voting in NC elections. If NC's RINO leadership is this brazen toward Conservatives, then we have bigger problems than voter ID, but that is our focus for now. While we need a good voter ID law to reach the Governor's desk, it cannot be diluted with illegal immigration loopholes. The key bill to watch on this issue is HB 33. It made progress, passing from the House to the Senate, but it got sent to a committee known for killing bills, called the "Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate," chaired by Senator Tom Apodaca (R-Hendersonville, Buncombe). If you live in this area, it would be a great idea to give his office a call and register your interest in HB 33.

The other key bills, which are still moving along well, are both titled, "Restore Confidence in Government," and will require valid ID to be presented at the polling booth before one is allowed to vote. HB 351 and SB 352 are the parallel bills headed for approval. Radical Leftists are pulling out all the stops to defeat this bill. Here is a link to a 42-minute presser the Left recently staged near the Legislature. We should aim for a similar show of force. Please save the date of Thursday, May 5, for just such an event. We need anybody who loves American Exceptionalism to plan to be in Raleigh by noon that day. More to follow.

Aim High!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

NC Voter ID bill survives . . . again.

North Carolina's HB 33 dodged a bullet this week, when opponents tried to split the bill's Republican voting bloc over the issue of illegal or undocumented workers. The idea was to include Mexican Consulate ID cards in the list of acceptable "state-issued" ID cards! The amendment came during the third and final House reading of the bill, but it failed dismally.
So, the Voter ID bill now crosses over to the NC Senate, where opponents of free and fair elections will--no doubt--scheme up new and innovative ways to promote voter fraud in North Carolina elections.
If it gets through the Senate, it's on to Governor Perdue's desk. Conventional wisdom says that she will veto the bill, but "our guy" on the inside says a Perdue veto won't matter. Despite the gamesmanship going on during the prelims, there are enough scared Democrats in the NC Legislature that the final margin will be veto-proof!
Hey! Here is a good "note to self" for the next time you meet a lawmaker who wanted to allow Mexican ID cards: Ask them why anybody would advocate using a Mexican ID card in order to vote in a NC election? As the politician sputters for an answer, you might also ask if non-US citizens should be allowed to vote?
And please, oh please . . . get their answer on video! Shame is an excellent weapon in the battle for free and fair elections!