Saturday, April 9, 2016

Eclipse of Intellect in Wake County
"Guilt by association" is the propaganda tactic used against families and conservatives in the 2011 School Board elections. For the last two years, the issue on the table has been the failed liberal policy of busing kids for 45 minutes or more, twice a day, when the kids could have walked to a nearby school . But then "Hate Incorporated" rolled into town, pulled out their dog-eared copy of Mein Kamph and changed the subject by smearing the supporters of freedom in education. Suddenly, anybody opposed to forced busing to achieve Educratic goals was associated with the "dangerous, racist" Tea Party. Not having the same kind of Hollywood money that the outsiders brought in, honest people were creamed and the haters made a small plurality of empty-headed voters forget all about the issue of busing and the best interests of the children.
Assigning "god words" and "devil words" is another technique at play in that same election cycle. God words are terms that the dominant media culture lifts up as laudable and worthy. Devil words are the opposite. A footnote about God words is that as soon as the silent majority gets a clear understanding of the term, the elite will suddenly change it. For example, after 3-4 years of record cold temperatures all over the world and an exposed scandal of massive scientific fraud, the term "global warming" just disappeared from the lexicon. Suddenly, the pundits and news readers in the dominant media culture were talking about "climate change." Their opponents are branded as "deniers." Meanwhile, in Wake County, the God term is "diversity" (queue the harps) and the devil term is "Tea Party" and its unproven (but oft repeated) guilt by association with "racists" and "extremists." Proving the cynical advice of many a Marxist dictator, a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.
The single issue on the run-off election for the District 3 in this critical election is freedom. One candidate (Kevin Hill) wants the state to maintain absolute control over where a child attends school and his team will continue to ride rough-shod over any parent wanting to select the school their child attends. While the data shows a negative correlation between busing and academic achievement (i.e. as one goes up, the other goes down) Hill and his shadow organizations don't want to talk about it. Instead, they want to change the subject to an irrelevant abstract concept: the Tea Party is trying to take over Wake County schools!!! Panic! Run those rascals out of town! Forget about busing! It's the Tea Party!!!
This is a plea to the voters in District Three. Take a deep breath. The parents are beaten down and need your help. If you are undecided, please ignore the hate speech directed at the Tea Party and err on the side of your neighbors who have children and are sick of having them dehumanized by a regime bent on total control. Whatever you do, don't reward the haters by falling for their lies. . . no matter how many times they repeat them.

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